Editorial — Laura Gao



My grandma in Wuhan is philosophical about COVID, life and her favorite topic: death

Why a stranger's hello can do more than just brighten your day

There's a way to get healthier without even going to a gym. It's called NEAT

Can dogs smell time? Just ask Donut the dog

So you haven't caught COVID yet. Does that mean you're a superdodger?

Review of Wuhan COVID documentary “76 Days” directed by Hao Wu


How three women from Wuhan cope with COVID-19: rap, poetry and mooncakes

'The Wuhan I Know': A comic about the city behind the Coronavirus headlines



The Sign.al

An “Anti-Culture Culture Club” I co-founded at the University of Pennsylvania. Our bold interactive projects aim to help students discover their passions and live deliberately.

The Sign.al First Year in Review

Lunar New Year Wishes

A poem about Lunar New Year post-coming out.

Recruiting for Tech for Non-Technical Students


Let’s work together.

If you have a project in mind, or would like to chat, shoot me an email at laura.y.gao@gmail.com.

Resume / CV
