Graphic Design — Laura Gao

Graphic Design

Draw Street Journal


Draw Street Journal is a graphic design company I started my sophomore year of college to escape the boredom of business school. What began as doodles on my iPad evolved to a full business with 50+ unique designs, 15K in sales, and $25K in total profit


At first, I purposely conducted every part of the manufacturing process. I bought special paper online, printed designs via the local print shop, cut out stickers via the Engineering Lab’s laser cutters, and even sprayed on protective glaze in my dorm’s study room at 3AM. The video in the gallery shows my highest and lowest point: spraying protectant layers on thousands of stickers made for Wharton Admissions at 5:30AM in my dorm's study lounge to avoid being caught by my hall RA!

After 6 months, I outsourced the printing process and hired students to package and deliver to on-campus students, which increased by output by 3X. I retired Draw Street Journal once I graduated college, but it was an amazing foray into my entrepreneurship side!


Let’s work together.

If you have a project in mind, or would like to chat, shoot me an email at

Resume / CV 
